Request a USPS Refund: Domestic

To submit a USPS® 退款请求(包括费用或邮费),您需要购买证明. 当您要求退款时,您可能需要以下一项或全部:

  • Tracking number
  • Purchase receipt
  • Photo ID (if in person)

Learn more about requesting a domestic USPS refund. (对丢失、损坏或丢失内容的保险邮件提出索赔,参见 File a USPS Claim: Domestic.)

寄往或寄往阿拉斯加及夏威夷的特快专递邮件: As of August 1, 2023, 美国邮政将不再处理这些项目的保证十大网堵平台退款请求. Refund requests for loss will still be processed. Read More

Apply Online

You can request refunds for Priority Mail Express® items and certain extra services online.

Watch the Apply Online video.

Request a Refund

Apply at the Post Office

You can apply for a refund in person at a Post Office location.

Find a Post Office

Business Customers

在线申请退款的企业可以上传多达1,000个USPS跟踪的文件® numbers.

Business Refunds (BCG)

Requesting a Domestic Service Refund

找到下面列出的您使用的运输十大网堵平台,并查看如何应用详细信息,以了解有资格获得退款的内容, when to apply, and what you'll need to apply. For detailed eligibility information, see the Domestic Refunds - Eligibility Details (DMM 604.9.2).

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Change of Address Online Authorization Fee

To verify your address online, USPS® 将您的信用卡账单地址与您的旧地址或新地址匹配. To do this, we submit a small charge ($1.10) to your credit card company. Sometimes this charge is refundable.

What is Eligible

Only change-of-address requests made on the official USPS Change of Address® website are eligible for refunds.

Requesting a Refund

  • Call 1-800-238-3150 to request a refund.
  • Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • If approved, $1.10 will be credited to the credit card charged.

Click-N-Ship Labels

Unused Click-N-Ship® 标签可在打印日期(标签交易日期)后60天内退款。.

What Is Eligible

  • Labels that have not been scanned by the postage system.
  • Labels created within the past 30 days of label print date.
  • Labels that do not already have a refund request.

Request a Refund

  1. Log in to your Click-N-Ship account.
  2. Click Shipping History.
  3. Check the labels you want refunded.
  4. 在您看到的“跟踪标签”中,从下拉列表中选择“退款标签”.
  5. Click Proceed.

Older Unused Click-N-Ship (CNS) Labels

如果标签是在30天以上但不到60天前打印的, email the Click-N-Ship Help Desk for a refund. Include this information in your email:

  • Username
  • Click-N-Ship account number
  • Label number
  • Transaction number and date

EDDM Retail Orders Placed & Paid for Online

EDDM Retail® refunds can be requested online and at the Post Office, 这取决于你是如何下订单的,以及你是否已经把它放下了.

Orders Not Yet Dropped Off

If you created and paid for an order on the EDDM® 如果您是在网站上购买的,但没有投递到邮局,您可以通过您的订单历史申请退款.

  1. Sign in to your Account.
  2. Click Activity History.
  3. Click Request a Refund (below Order Details).
  4. Fill out the form.

Refunds will be posted to your credit card within 3–5 days.

Orders Dropped at the Post Office

如果您在EDDM网站上创建并支付了订单,并且已经在邮局提交了订单, the order will no longer be in your Order History.

如果您在邮局收到订单后取消了订单, request a refund by calling 1-877-747-6249. When prompted, select Option 3 for Small Business. Have your order information ready when you call.

  • Date order was created
  • Order number
  • Order amount


Orders Placed Online & Paid for at the Post Office

如果您在网上订购EDDM,但在邮局付款, 你需要到你付款的邮局申请退款.

Extra Services

Some extra services, such as Signature Confirmation,如果十大网堵平台没有按照其十大网堵平台特性执行,则可退款.

Who May Apply

Only the person who paid for extra service.

What Is Eligible

  • Non-delivery when USPS is at fault.
  • Incorrectly charged postage or fees.
  • Paid services that were not provided.

Postage & Extra Services Refunds - Eligibility Details (DMM 604.9.2)

When to Apply

  • 一般额外十大网堵平台的邮寄日期后30至60天.
  • 如使用“特快专递”购买额外十大网堵平台,则在邮寄日期后30至60天内.

What You Need

  • Tracking number
  • Mailing receipt

Request a Refund

These service refunds can be requested online:

  • Certified Mail®
  • Return Receipt (paper and electronic)
  • Signature Confirmation
  • USPS Tracking for USPS Marketing Mail®

If you cannot request a refund on,带着你的证明文件到你支付十大网堵平台费用的邮局.

Request Extra Services Refund

Find a Post Office

PO Boxes


PO Boxes in Use

If you already have PO Box™ keys:

  • 在您的邮政信箱十大网堵平台协议中要求按比例退款未使用的时间.
  • 到邮政信箱所在的邮局申请退款.

New PO Boxes

You may request a refund online if you applied online and:

  • Have not used the PO Box.
  • Have not picked up the PO Box keys.
  • Request a refund within 30 days of your original payment.


Contact the Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC)

Postal Store Returns & Exchanges

如果你的邮政商店订单有错误,你可能会得到退款或换货. 了解邮政商店中错误、丢失或损坏订单的选项®.

Premium Forwarding Service Residential

Premium Forwarding Service Residential® (PFS-Residential®)可以在网上或邮局申请退款,具体取决于您在哪里设置这项十大网堵平台.

What Is Not Eligible

  • Enrollment fee
  • Weekly shipping fees, unless pre-paid and unused
  • Delayed shipments

PFS-Residential Terms & Conditions

Applying Online

If you set up your PFS-Residential service on, you can request a refund online.

Applying at the Post Office

如果你在邮局设置了PFS-Residential十大网堵平台, you must request your refund at that Post Office.

What You Need

  • 订单,确认,或跟踪号码为每周发货(s)你想退款
  • Reason for the refund request

Refund Processing

  • 当你的请求被处理后,你会收到一封解释结果的电子邮件.
  • 退款请求通常在2-3个工作日内处理.
  • 如果USPS需要更多的信息来处理您的请求,它将需要超过2-3个工作日.
  • 如果您的请求被批准,它将被记入与您的帐户相关联的信用卡. 最多可能需要2个结算周期,退款才会显示在您的卡上.

Submit a Request

Priority Mail Express


Requesting a PME Refund

  • 每个USPS追踪号码只能用于一个退款请求.
  • 您必须将特快专递及相关额外十大网堵平台的退款合并为一个退款请求.

What Is Eligible

在保证十大网堵平台到达时间内未到达的邮件的特快专递邮资. The guaranteed arrival time is on your receipt.

优先邮件特快退款-资格详情(DMM 604).9.5)

When to Apply

  • 特快专递(不含额外十大网堵平台)于邮寄日期后2至30天内送达.
  • 如订购“特快专递”的额外十大网堵平台,则在邮寄日期后30至60天内.

What You Need

  • Tracking number
  • Mailing receipt

How to Apply

Online: You can apply for a refund with a free account.

Request a PME Refund

At a Post Office: 您也可以到任何邮局填写表格3533的第一部分(一式两份),并将其与您的客户原始标签11副本一起提交.

Find a Post Office

USPS Package Intercept

The USPS Package Intercept® fee ($17.50)如货物未被截获,本公司可退还任何适用的邮费.

What You Need

  • Order, Confirmation, or USPS Tracking® Number for each shipment(s) you would like refunded
  • Reason for the refund request
  • Additional details you may have to help with processing

Refund Processing

  • 当你的请求被处理后,你会收到一封解释结果的电子邮件.
  • 退款请求通常在2-3个工作日内处理, unless USPS needs more information to process your request.
  • 如果您的请求被批准,与您的帐户相关联的信用卡将被记入. 最多可能需要2个结算周期,退款才会显示在您的卡上.

Request a Refund

You may request your refund online.

Submit a Request

USPS Package Intercept Terms & Conditions

USPS Pickup On Demand

USPS Pickup On Demand® 如果十大网堵平台没有按照其十大网堵平台特性进行,可以在线申请退款.

What Is Eligible


What Is Not Eligible

  • Carrier shows up during the specified day of pickup.
  • Cancellation request submitted after 5 a.m. (local time) on the day of the scheduled pickup.

USPS Pickup on Demand Terms & Conditions

What You Need

  • Order, Confirmation, or USPS Tracking® Number for the shipment(s) you would like refunded
  • Reason for the refund request
  • Additional details you may have to help with processing

Refund Processing

  • 当你的请求被处理后,你会收到一封解释结果的电子邮件.
  • 退款请求通常在2-3个工作日内处理.
  • 如果USPS需要更多的信息来处理您的请求,它将需要超过2-3个工作日.
  • 如果您的请求被批准,它将被记入与您的帐户相关联的信用卡. 最多可能需要2个结算周期,退款才会显示在您的卡上.

Request a Refund

You may request your refund online.

Submit a Request

After Submitting Your Refund Request


Receiving Your Refund

  • Approved online refunds will receive a check by mail.
  • 在邮局申请的退款将以现金形式退还, check, or money order.
  • 批准的Click-N-Ship退款记入原始付款帐户.
  • 在线申请退款的企业客户将以支票退款, not credited back to their account.

Appealing Denied or Partially Paid Requests

If your refund was only partially paid or denied, 你可以在收到裁决后30天内提出争议.